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Goal Based

Whether your financial goal is to plan for your retirement, your children's education, saving to start a business or follow higher studies, we can guide you towards these ends by advising you on building a fund with systematic investment, dedicated to match your financial goals via our Unit Trust funds.


Portfolio Management

At Guardian Acuity, we follow a four-step process that encompasses our customers’ wealth management journey from start to finish, which often is, quite rewarding.


Our relationship begins with a comprehensive understanding of our client, the client's investment objectives, risk appetite, and a range of other investment constraints.


We design an investment strategy that suits your profile considering the objectives/goals and constraints we discovered during our initial discussions with you.



We develop an agreed investment strategy via a proper legal agreement. We facilitate to open necessary custodian/bank/broker accounts and take care of all other administration activities.


We deliver our agreed functions through continuous monitoring and adjusting as changing client needs, market, tax laws and priorities. We report investment performance via monthly statements and quarterly presentations.

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Integrated solution proposed by guardian acuity.

Investment Management

We are focused on outperforming benchmarks by generating better returns over a long-term period through active investment strategies that use thorough investment research, market insights and a strong network. We manage your funds on your behalf, freeing you from the hassle of monitoring your investments.

Risk Management

We follow a prudent risk management framework with a rigorous investment process based on detailed research about invested companies. You can add your own investment restrictions to this framework.

Tax Planning Assistance

Upon request, we will carefully explain to you the tax implications relating to your financial decisions, review your tax status and provide general guidelines to maximize tax benefits. We will also introduce you to the best tax practitioners depending on your requirements.

Advisory and Value Added Services

Throughout this journey, we will a partner you can trust and rely on to take you forward. We will provide you with up-to-date macro and other economic information to assist your financial decision effectively. We would also be a knowledge partner, continuously providing you with updates and reviews on your investments.